Tweets from the Billionaire Girl

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    Tuesday, March 4, 2008

    What day am I on?

    Its Tuesday. I didn't go to boot camp yesterday because my previous week was just so stressful I needed the sleep and didn't want to catch the evil flu that's been going around. Miraculously I scored an inhaler over the weekend. Man, what a blessing it is to breathe. It made the work out so much more tolerable. Today is a new start for my life. A new breath of fresh air to inhale, literally and symbolically. I was supposed to have this great momentum infused into my company by today and I am still waiting. It is quite a huge let down and a question of commitment to one's word. Hopefully all will work itself out soon enough. In the meanwhile I'll be chanting me "Secret" chant... "An abundance of money flows freely into my life each and every day". Maybe, just maybe, the universe will hear me and I'll be that much closer to achieving the resources I need to later pursue my philanthropic goals.

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